Spinergy SLX Wheels – Sport Lite Extreme “SLX R-10”
The SLX R-10 is a tried and true design from Spinergy featuring a strong, durable and stylish radial laced spoke pattern. The Spinergy Sport Lite Extremes are the idea Rugby Wheels.
PBO™ Power Spoke
Spinergy SLX Wheels use patented PBO Power spokes which are encased in a chemical resistant, water / UV proof composite containing over 30,000 strands of polyphenylene bensobisoxazole fiber. Spinergys PBO Power Spokes delivers 3-times the strength of stainless steel at just half the weight this results in less rotational weight and a faster-responding wheel. PBO Power spokes are outstandingly strong and will absorb impact more efficiently. Spinergy Lite Extremes are superb wheels for Rugby, Basketball, Tennis, WCMX, Badminton or anyone who needs a stronger axle.

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