Cancellation and Returns |
You have the right to return your order at your own expense within 14 calendar days of receiving the goods. After this period, we cannot accept any returns or issue any refund. To initiate a return and refund for your order, you must contact us 01656 674488 (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. weekdays) or email to notify us of your decision.
Invamed will only accept a return and offer a refund if the entire product remains unused, undamaged and in the original packaging. If the product(s) are not in their original condition and packaging, reserves the right to refuse any product returns or refunds. We may charge for the repair or replacement of any product.
The product will be evaluated on its return to Invamed. If the product has not been used, and is in new condition, then a refund will be issued. However, if on inspection the product has been used or damaged then a deduction will be taken from the refund. You will be advised on the amount and reasons why this has happened.
Depending on the wear, this loss in value could be up to 50% of the price of the item. Additionally, if we find that necessary packaging is missing, then we reserve the right to charge £80.00 fee to repackage the product(s).
You may return your product, in the original packaging, within the 14-day period.
- Arrange your own return delivery to Invamed. We would recommend you choose signed/recorded delivery and keep the receipt safe as a reference.